100% Free

Download the Free Beta of Eternal V3 and try out the Quality first-hand, with access to 15% off it's full bundle.

Access to Free Beta Version of Fantasia and step into a world where imagination comes to life through sound

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total value: $170


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What is the 
'Arcrylic' Art Kit?

Arcrylic Art Kit: Where Sound Becomes Art.
Imagine painting something beautiful—how would that sound? What if music and art merged into one? Colors turned into melodies, brushstrokes into rhythms, and paintings into soundscapes. 

Experience the sound of art through Analog Lab presets, one-shots, drums, compositions, phrases, and more.

What is the 
'Cryo' Frozen Kit?

Cryo Frozen Kit: Where Sound Becomes Frozen.
Step into a world of ice and mystery—where sounds are frozen in time. Ever wondered how frozen drums sound like? How about frozen melodies?

From chilling pads to frozen one-shots, icy drums, and frozen instruments. Cryo brings the real feel of winter to your music.

What is the 
'Eerie' Haunted Kit?

Eerie Haunted Kit: Where Hardware becomes Posessed and Haunted
Imagine the Hardware Synths you playing on are posessed by a ghost and it's playing itself. Eerie Melodies. Haunted Phrases. Dark Atmospheres. Hard Hitting Drums. And my personal favourite: Accents that got a Evil Laugh to it.


What is the 
'Orbit' Nova Kit?

Orbit Nova Kit: Where Sound is born in the Heart of a Star
Imagine how would a Nova Star sound like? Drum echoing in space. Melodies that are bursting with cosmic energy. What about that?

Mainly inspired by Mike Dean and Dez Wright. Wide, heavy, and distorted—or the other side: ethereal soundscapes with deep reverb that makes you feel like your in space.

What is the 
'Reality' Broken Kit?

Reality Broken Kit: Where Instruments and Synths becomes Broken

Reality has been hacked—sound itself is corrupted. Glitches, distortions, and malfunctioning atmospheres reshape everything you hear.

Leaving you with only broken yet playable instruments and synths. The result? Take a listen yourself below.

What is the 
'Void' Analog Lab V Bank?

Void Analog Lab Bank: Where Every Presets Have it's own Unique World

Each preset is based on a distinct sound from one of the worlds named above: Nova, Broken, Haunted, Frozen, and Art.

Presets like Keys, Synths, Bells, and Arps now come in five unique themes. For example, you’ll find Haunted Arps, Frozen Arps, Broken Synths, Art Bells, Frozen Keys, and more—each shaped by its world.

made using fantasia

where musical imagination comes true

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Still have questions?


Does it work in any Daw?

Yes! We tested it on FL Studio, Logic Pro, Ableton, MPC, Reason, Cubase, and even on Mobile. It's all WAV files, so you're covered on any platform or DAW you're using. 

Difference between the Beta and the Full Version?

1. The Full Bundle is 6 times larger
2. You don't need to worry about what's royalty-free and what's not, since everything is 100% royalty-free.
3. You will receive a Sound Kit License stating these Terms officially and exclusively in the Full Bundle.

4. Many Bonuses included in the Full Bundle

Is This Kit Royality Free?

Yes, all the music you make with the included sounds, samples, anything are 100% Royalty Free in the Paid Version.

For the FREE BETA version with the exception of the Samples/ Compositions. And phrases is royalty free for beat sales, but not for major placements.

Can I sell the Beats or Samples I make with this Kit?

Yes, feel free to use all the contents of this kit to create your own beats, samples, music to sell it! 

Free Beta: Royalty Splits | Credits required
Full Bundle: 100% Royalty Free | For Major Placements: Credits Required

 However, please avoid from selling the kit itself or any of its components itself.

Where can I access the Downloads?

1. You will receive an email with the download link automatically sent to the Gmail you provided during checkout.

2. After your purchase, wait a second and then the download should appear in the same Window at the right side.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept every payment method you got! If you have issues regarding the payment contact: contact@prodviom.com 
or Hit up my Instagram: prodviom

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