According to § 5 TMG
Emanuel Bozorgi
Deutsche Post Schloßmarkt 4, Postfach 11-12, 73098 Rechberghausen, Germany
Represented by:
Emanuel Bozorgi
Phone: +49 176 80700 958
VAT Identification Number pursuant to § 27a of the VAT Act: DE41 509 689 232
EU Commission's Platform for Online Dispute Resolution:
Disclaimer for Links:
Emanuel Bozorgi explicitly states that they have no influence over the content or design of linked external websites. Therefore, I hereby expressly dissociate myself from all content on third-party linked pages, do not adopt such content as my own, and assume no liability or responsibility for these external contents. This declaration applies to all displayed links and all content of pages to which links lead.
EU Online Dispute Resolution Platform:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which you can find here: I am neither obligated nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Design and Development:
Some sound designers contributing to ProdViom's kits are compensated through a one-time payment and/or royalties for the kits they participate in. However, the majority of the sounds are personally designed by ProdViom. Any contributor involved in creating a sound, preset, sample, or phrase is credited accordingly.
For my Artwork, the majority of my artwork is designed by Astro (@astrxgfx on Instagram). We all collaborate as a Team on these kits, and it’s not a
boss-employee dynamic. There is no ongoing contract between us; it’s typically a one-time payment arrangement.
The content and works presented on this website are protected under German copyright laws. Reproduction, editing, distribution, or any other use of this material beyond the limitations of copyright law requires prior written permission from the respective author or creator.